Xtreme Lashes

Xtreme Lashes Semi-Permanent Lash Extensions offered here at Radiant Skin RN are your answer to thicker, longer, fuller, more curled, defined, and beautiful lashes.


Xtreme Lashes are single strands of synthetic lashes applied to each individual natural lash. They mimic the natural lash as the design features a tapered tip and a thicker base, adding elegance and fullness.

Xtreme Lashes was developed by Jo Mousselli, a former Pediatric ICU Nurse and Kindergarten teacher, who’s expertise and experience helped develop and shape safe and hygienic processes. Mousselli opted to choose a synthetic polyester to make Xtreme Lashes, as the material handles wear and tear better than others, and is most compatible with the human skin and cosmetics. Synthetic polyester is least likely to cause allergic reactions.

When applied properly, Xtreme Lashes look and feel completely real, and can be customized for each individual. There are three thicknesses and four curls to choose from, and the lashes will not crimp. The weight of the synthetic lashes are no heavier than the human lash, and when keeping up with applications, will be indistinguishable from your real lashes. Xtreme Lashes will not cause lashes to break or to fall out ahead of their natural cycle.

A variety of looks can be achieved by highlighting and layering, and can save a good deal of time in your daily beauty routine, as there is no need to apply mascara once the lashes have been applied.

The natural cycle of an eyelash falling out and growing back in is anywhere from 60-90 days. When a natural lash falls out, a new one has already begun to grow back without any visual difference. While some of the Xtreme Lashes may fall out sooner than later depending on the natural cycle of each individual lash, most stay in on an average of two months. Touch ups will be needed every 2-4 weeks to maintain lashes that will shed sooner than others.

Plan for 120-150 minutes for your first application, and 45-60 minutes for touch-up appointments.

Interested in Xtreme Lashes? Call to schedule your free consultation today at 720.236.7541 or jump on over to my scheduling software.

PRFM for Aesthetics

Platelet-Rich Fibrous Matrix, or PRFM, has become very popular in the aesthetic industry. Slightly different that Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), PRFM is PRP mixed with a small amount of calcium gluconate causing a chemical reaction that converts fibrinogen into a stronger fiber matrix .

For those looking for alternatives to synthetic fillers and want to look more youthful in the most natural way possible, PRFM is an excellent option. Using PRFM during micro-channeling and other ablative treatments is another great option as it enhances results above and beyond what the procedures can do alone.

There are many ways PRFM can be used aesthetically. One way is to address specific concerns, which may lead a patient to initially consider a facelift. For those who aren’t yet ready or willing to take that step, a facelift via PRFM is a more affordable and natural option. You can wake up the next day feeling and looking fantastic without significant swelling, bruising, itching, or lumps and bumps.


Areas that can be addressed can include the following

• Upper jawbone: eliminates sagging and increases the jaw angle.
• Lower jawbone: lifts the jowl area and adds volume.
• Upper cheekbone: tightens and enhances area.
• Lower cheek: restores cheek structure.
• Tear trough and mid-face: addresses the hollowness under the eyes.
• Nasolabial folds: Fills in and reduces laugh lines
• Corner of the mouth: addresses Marionette lines

In addition to using PRFM along with micro-channeling, which will expedite healing, improve texture, diminish scars, and reduce pores, your results can be nothing short of amazing. In fact, both can be done the same day, as long as the micro-channeling procedure comes first.

Results to treat any or all of the above areas generally last about a year. For those patients who need or would like touch-ups, their results are still improved from before the filler. However, it is important to remember that this is a natural filler, and will not give you the much more immediate and noticeable results of products such as Juvederm and Restylane. The results of using PRFM also takes more time, but ultimately can be a very satisfying without the risks of using synthetic fillers.

Have more questions, or would like to book a consultation? Call me, Heather, at 720.236.7541!